Wanted to meet Maria (who's staying as an au-pair in London right now) but since she was free for the evening only and I didn't want to spend a day in London again I decided to go to Cambridge. Did a walking tour (how surprising! =D), had a glimpse into the Fitzwilliam Museum, wrote a postcard and - whoosh, caught the train to London. Here three impressions of Cambridge (I now visited both University Cities! Yay *.*)
The Cam. Actually, it's quite obvious why the city is called Cambridge ^^
a college. forgot which one =D
King's College!
Then I met Maria (was ein Wiedersehen =D), we had a beer, a walk around and very good talks :) Caught the train back to Darlington and fell asleep in my bed around 2.15am after a 20 hour-day!
My bigger and smaller projects here on Hazel Brow: creosoting the inside of the field shelter, clearing out the office, doing the visitor centre's paperwork, weeding a large horseshoe-shaped flowerbed, feeding&mucking out a quantity of animals (nearly) every morning, serving visitors in the tearoom for 1 1/2 days, helping Cath with farm tours, sheep races etc., doing the social media stuff of Hazel Brow (which I'll continue doing when I'm back in Germany!), a big muck out I did together with Issey (Cath's niece; took us roughly 20 wheelbarrows to empty the goat pen entirely). Apart from these activities I did a lot more and all in all I can truly say: I achieved what I aimed to get: (ooh, double colons, the tension's mounting =D) an insight into the life on England's countryside.
I don't know who/how often/where I told THAT but here's the inevitable truth: Cath is the master of cooking and baking. Even if she'd never heard of the recipe before the result was always stunning! I cooked once (Pfannkuchen ^^', das einzige deutsche Gericht, dass mir zu "typisch deutsch" eingefallen ist). Said enough =D I enjoyed every single meal; I'm looking forward to try all that myself (und ihr werdet meine Versuchskaninchen sein. Muhaha.).
#other people leaving
Lisa took her plane to Madrid today, Pia is going to China tomorrow (Pia's blog: http://piasara2liuku.jimdo.com/blog/pia/). I'll miss you!
#last day
Today, I worked in the tearoom in the visitor centre and did the animals for the last time. We're having tea in a few minutes and Cath suggested to go to Tan Hill Pub tonight, the highest pub in England :) Packing is half done, I'm pretty sure that the backpack's zip won't close properly. Planned arrival at Colchester Station tomorrow: around 2.30pm.
CU soon, love,
[day 39]
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